The Vendetta Package

Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

Dig up all the shit you can on the brutal regulators! In all its vindictive details!

Social behavior: Marital infidelity, drugs, child molestation? What do you have on them? Other crimes? Tax evasion? Other business interests? Conflicts of interest? Get their CVs. Who are their co-conspirators? Everybody is doing something; find out what they are doing under the “Doctrine of What Goes Around, Comes Around.” Get pictures and ruin their lives.

What are their assets at the BCA and GCC? They are both ‘going’! Names of regulatory members (PCC) and their assets. Root through their trash! Do you have copies of their hard drives?

What’s on their Facebook? Have they posted compromising pictures? Let’s have a look!

Send their CVs up and down your lines along with the results of your own investigations. Drown them in their own feces. If they want to get even, they can get a mouthful of shit and spit at us!

Start a letter writing campaign to all parliamentarians exposing the abuses. You don’t have to give them your real name.

Find lawyers and, if necessary, investigators in your jurisdiction.

Find the people you can trust in your jurisdiction.

Take responsibility for your own fate.

Find out who is setting up our doctors in your jurisdiction. What other crimes are they hiding?

What mandates and quotas are given the employees of the GCC and by whom? How many fish do they have to catch this month? Their website is a commercial for the trial lawyers.

Who are the lawyers making the money off the GCC complaint scam? Does one of them hate the GCC enough to lay waste to them?

Who are their disgruntled employees? Who has cases with the Labour Board? Use these psychos to our advantage for a change.

It’s easy to catch fish if you use pussy for bait. You wouldn’t get them if you used worms. Regulation is the exploitation of morality to accomplish conformity. And we have been conditioned to protect those who exploit us through fear by keeping our mouths shut!

Regulation is nothing more than a vehicle for vindictive psychopaths; that’s all it is and the lawyers love it. What kind of moron files a complaint with a regulatory board anyway? A sick sociopath.

Discover the grounds for our complaints against them! Once you have determined your causes of action and the right lawyer for your case, take up a collection from other doctors you can trust and get the case filed. Best way to do this is to have each doctor pay his contribution directly to the lawyer you all agree to hire.

Use the money you are currently paying the GCC and BCA, just to hang out your shingle, destroy them, and keep your hard-earned cash. What you are paying them is pure extortion!

Here’s how you beat them: you sue them as individuals and not in their governmental capacities and they lose their state immunity and are forced to pay their own legal fees. It’s what they did to us. Turnabout is fair play and payback is a bitch. What goes around…. Let’s show these fuckers how the game is played.

It only takes a small handful of committed doctors.


Your responsibility is to forward this….

