Registration not Regulation

I have reviewed the GCC and European Chiropractic standards (shackles). So sad; they are of, by and for the lawyers. Why have we allowed these bureaucrats to bully us? Are we so controlled by fear, we are devoid of all courage?

The nerve of the European Union to impose such a punitive bureaucracy based on prosecutorial trivialities.

It’s a ritual.

It’s been said you’d have to figuratively split someone’s head open with a pickaxe for them to catch a momentary glimpse of enlightenment, we are so controlled.

The Ministry of Labour has one central theme of making sure everybody, no matter what their profession or occupation, is who they say they are.

They go to extremes to protect our patients’ records from the lawyers. Our records are all obviated by the pure simplicity of practicing in a country without any prosecutorial net hanging over our heads. What does the doctor need to know about his patient? He needs to know their chief and secondary complaints, how long he has had those complaints, what caused them and if the patient has any other health problems. As to record keeping, HE will decide what records he must keep to properly care for his patient. This cannot be legislated like in some jurisdictions which require time-consuming SOAP Notes reflective of a medical model which does not even apply to chiropractic practice, doubles the treatment time and drives costs through the roof for patients who can’t afford to pay for all that unnecessary paperwork.

A chiropractor performs a brief palpatory examination of the spine and then renders an adjustment based on his palpatory findings. What is there to write? Just the date of the visit and any payments made. He repeats this process every visit and his patient is properly cared for. Without a mandate for unnecessary and exhaustive record keeping, he is able to keep costs down to the public. It is all very simple. If he requires x-rays, he gives the patient the x-ray request form, which the patient takes to the radiologist of his choice. The doctor is under no obligation to write this down, since he will be reviewing the x-rays and taking his notes accordingly.

Under deposition in the New Jersey RICO Case, their head investigator admitted under oath, that they set up record keeping requirements so that there is a crime on every office visit if they choose to prosecute. This is what we pay taxes for?

“Standards” exist for litigation against doctors. If you can see the magic, it will no longer have power over your thought processes.

Knowledge is power.

They treat the patients like mental infants too, like the requirement to notify them if you are leaving for a period of time. They have a phone book. Besides, most doctors will always let the patient know when he will be away. Are you going to prosecute the guy over something this trivial? You need to be placed in a straight jacket, injected with Thorazine and subjected to hours of electroconvulsive therapy.

If you don’t notify them, Joe lawyer comes knocking at your door and now you have problems. It’s like a magic trick where the patient pulls a lawyer out of a hat.

It treats health care providers like assumed criminals; guilty until proven innocent. They are inherently humiliating.

Doctors and providers get into health care for the gratification they get from seeing their patients return to health.

Transfer of records is relatively unimportant to the chiropractor because we don’t care what is in another doctor’s records anyway; we are going to do our own evaluation and do what is indicated, regardless of what another doctor might have done. And we will get what we need about the patient’s health from the patient.

And whatever he did it is what everybody else does anyway.

We will not live in an enforced paper work prison.

“Continuing education”: doctors will do it without force. In the US, I was required to take about 12 hours of CE per year but took many more hours than that, to learn as much of the science as possible but none of it made me a better doctor. What makes you a better doctor is experience in adjusting patients.

Mandating continuing education creates the illusion that the doctor’s education was incomplete.

Sexual relationships: who could disagree? It’s magic! In some US states, its grounds for immediate loss of licensure! Isn’t that a bit extreme? Couldn’t there be a lesser penalty for first time offense? A week in a chastity belt? In New Jersey, you have to wait an arbitrary year. By then she’ll have another doctor.

By the way, I’m not advocating for the rights of doctors to have their way with their patients, but it certainly doesn’t need to be codified into law.

Doctor groupies; it takes two to tango. What penalties are administered to the co-participant? You can’t punish one without the other. Make human instinct a crime and the lawyers will never be out of work.

Is there a law greater than the law of attraction?

It is argued that the doctor has an unfair advantage. What about Friday nights? The doctor is out clubbing, sees an attractive woman, walks over to her and says: “I’m Dr. Jones”. She breaks into a big smile as he notices the dollar signs twinkling in her eyes! Who is really taking advantage of whom?

And let me state for the record, in 34 years of practice, I have never shagged a patient, not even Bill Clinton style. And the opportunity was there! I will never forget Mrs. Montanez, who came to my US office back in ’86, complaining of back pain. I escorted her to the x-ray room and instructed her to put on a gown, so that it opens in the back. When I returned to the x-ray room, she presented with the gown open in the front; the most beautiful woman I had ever seen! She said: “Doctor, I don’t have the money to pay for these x-rays!”

Again, I instructed her to wear the gown properly and left the room, trembling and breaking into a cold sweat across my brow but not a spot on the front of my trousers! I remembered the admonition of my father: “You don’t shit where you eat”, meaning you don’t mix business with pleasure. The adage also pertains to the idiot who brings his mistress home to his marital bed.

If I had met her at the bar, I might have paid for those x-rays…at another chiropractor’s office! “I owe you one”. Sexual misconduct, a topic which stimulates one’s….prose. Can you imagine how hard it was….to turn and walk out of that room?

There are doctors in the US, who hop from bed to bed, because they can, and it doesn’t seem to affect their practices, so where is the problem with public safety if two consenting adults decide to do what comes naturally? What’s worse than doing it is the government telling you, you can’t. Putting it into context, without deliberately being offensive, where does government get off telling doctors who they can fuck?

These models of control might be appropriate for high school kids, as they treat us like misbehaving children, still maturing and in need of counsel but not for fully grown professionals. It is pure domestic terrorism operating under the color of law.

There are no problems until you create a law which creates problems which then have to be adjudicated. Chiropractors would be plain fools to accept these constraints after our past experiences with their abject abuse.

Now you can file a complaint from your iPad. This is what has to be prosecuted.

There are no “problems” at all in Peru, just freedom. No board; no “standards”, no disciplinary actions. That’s why chiropractors are pouring into the country by the dozens.

These standards may sound good on the surface to the uninitiated until you realize it creates a vehicle for regulatory abuse.

Standards for us? How about standards for those who make them? Are they too required to live under a constant fear construct, to keep them in line?

Is government our mommy and daddy when we grow up? If so, get me on the next space shuttle out of here, before I kill my parents.

Creating disciplinary procedures to deal with normal human instinct; what hypocrisy. The assumption is we are devoid of all moral compass and must be watched like a hawk.

A few comments:

If a doctor needs to be told #27, GCC Standards, he should never have been admitted into chiropractic school in the first place. Kind of late now, isn’t it?

“Treating relatives”: did somebody sit up all night thinking up this stuff like I am responding to it?

Violate the magic while you show the others the exit.

Remember The Island? ‘Sign up for this and you’re going to ‘The Island.’

“Informed consent”: the patient is there, isn’t he?

If there is to be any requirement at all, it has to be registration with the Ministry of Labour only and a payment of a small annual fee. No Medical politics!

#36: What would the doctor do to the child if a guardian, parent or chaperone wasn’t in the treatment room?

#37: patient confidentiality is redundant.

Are these clauses really “standards” or 39 ways to empower whackos for trial lawyers to make their living off doctors? What happens if we don’t have any of this? Nothing! The greatest threat, therefore to public safety, is regulation. Chiropractors are members of the public too!

We will not be used for target practice!

Imagine the legal fees chiropractors will have to figure into patient fees. Would the MOH make chiropractic care unaffordable to the masses?

We learned all these basic standards in school. All of these rules are unnecessary excuses to put targets on our backs.

If our backs are forced against the wall, we will have no option but to place our Model Chiropractic Act on the floor of Parliament. We will never allow a chiropractor or medical doctor the legalized opportunity to harm another chiropractor.

It requires the attention of attorneys. Regulations are the trial lawyers’ appetizers.

Advertising standards are always too restrictive. “Advertising must be legal and professional.” If it is unprofessional, people won’t respond to that ad, will they? The doctor brings in his own discipline upon himself as he is ‘punished’ in his wallet, no need for board action.

“Financial and commercial activities”: belittles the doctor. This is all state sponsored terror!

It is all overreaching and burdensome.

These entire documents are redundant and should be an embarrassment to the state which authored them. These “standards” open the door wide to regulatory abuse, dozens of ways your colleagues and psychopathic patients can ‘get’ you, forcing you to inflate the bank accounts of trial lawyers. We are taught all of these standards in Ethics and Jurisprudence class in Chiropractic College, obviating the need for any regulatory scheme, post graduate, by people who have competitive agendas.

The burden must be on the complainant, not the state or the taxpayer. If some psycho with bipolar disorder wants to abuse the system to ‘get’ their caring doctor, let the psycho foot the bill for it and see just how much it is worth to the them to hurt someone who actually cared for them. It’s not right to make the doctors pay for someone else’s right to attack them with impunity and our rights will be vindicated by the courts.

Chiropractic antagonists will send patients into our offices just to set us up like the Simon Singh scandal in the UK. Our chiropractors are just not going to have this, period! And where will our country get the funds to prosecute all these trumped up cases as required by law? Even the wealthy GCC ran out of money to prosecute all those cases instigated by Singh. And when those doctors were eventually exonerated, there was no recourse to get their very expensive legal fees back.

In New Jersey, over 800 of their 2500 chiropractors have had actions taken against their licenses. In the UK, according to the GCC website, there have been 718 complaints against only 383 chiropractors. It’s not the doctors who are the problem, it is the State! This cruelty is going on in every jurisdiction in which there is regulation. It’s for the lawyers!!!!!

We’re not going to have this! “We must crush the head of the alligator while it is still in the egg.” – SSP Reneto Adams

“Criticism of others” sets up our doctors for libel and slander charges, so the lawyers are getting you every which way; disgracefully transparent.

Threats sell insurance too. What is insurance anyway? It is a readily available pool of cash for the trial lawyers! Can you see the ‘magick’ now? Such cruelty contemplated against good doctors. It is enforced “sameness”. We must all be the ‘same’ so their rituals of control will successfully work on us.

Fuck ’em!

Groups contain; ritual and symbol control. Our groups are our pens. Don’t join anything; avoid ritual and you’re halfway free.

The whole world runs on black magic; we’re just not trained to identify it. That’s why it works! It is perceived as the ultimate good but in reality is the ultimate evil. All that is needed, is to break the spell they have placed upon us and we do that by becoming aware of their control mechanisms.

What if you were to go down that rabbit hole and discover for yourself that the two greatest frauds ever perpetuated against mankind are the Law and Religion?

Chiropractic colleges are accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) in the US and now the ECCE in Europe, two mafia-styled organizations which must be destroyed for the chiropractic profession to flourish once again. CCE commandeered chiropractic in 1980 after playing a dirty trick on the ACC (Association of Chiropractic Colleges), the original and principled accrediting agency for chiropractic. CCE forced chiropractic into a medical model and all but destroyed our chiropractic philosophy as developed by Dr. B. J. Palmer.

As to core curriculum, you can go online to Palmer College of Chiropractic and view the entire 4½ years of study and these are all the courses every doctor graduating Chiropractic College takes.

The real test of competency is the adjusting skills of the doctor and no regulatory authority tests that!

Reading these “standards”, Europe and the UK would be the last place I would ever practice. It’s being treated like a child with an old school mistress chasing you around with a whip all day; nothing more than regulatory bullying.

Compliance with any regulatory scheme is just too much power to injure in the hands of a few psychopaths. It is just punitive. It isn’t serving the public.

We now have to take charge. This is the immediate opportunity for us and other alternative health care providers to change the way in which health care is administered, globally.

One cannot help but realize the spiritual level of this thread.

Neither a professional trade association nor a weighted bureaucracy can accomplish what we can along with others of a clean heart.

With the stroke of a regulatory pen, our profession is enslaved, creating crimes of nothingness for a regulatory board to impose sanctions, satisfying their cravings for power. Sick sociopaths! And we want to remain victims?

I have yet to see a case that could not be adjudicated in the courts, if it was a case with legal merit.

There was a case by the medical board in New Jersey against a gynecologist who was charged with performing cunnilingus on a patient and he was exonerated when her testimony was discovered to be fallacious. We still don’t know if he ‘got off’, but his lawyer got him off on this case. “Sexual misconduct” is as old as religion itself.

5200 years ago, there lived a man who was a little bit smarter than everybody else. Nimrod? He observed all the behaviors humans just loved to do and told them it was “sin”, probably from a pulpit, and made them pay money every time they did it. After all, they couldn’t help themselves! And that racket has been going on ever since, bringing incalculable wealth to its profiteers. The churches made billions off of it and now the States are cashing in too. How do you think 7.2 billion people got here? How did you and I get here? Somebody had to…..c’mon, let me hear you say it….. Thank you.

WHO, Monsanto and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: is there no one we can trust? NO, there isn’t!

Now let’s go a little deeper down the hole. Crack the magic façade. Notice how the global ‘Nanny State” just continues to grow and grow, right? What does that require? Money! How much money does our government and most governments have? None?

So what has to happen???? Borrowing!!!! The Nanny State breeds borrowing! Then what happens? The people doing the borrowing owe so much money to the people lending it, that the only way they can pay it back is to borrow more money!

The bigger the bureaucracy gets, the more that has to be borrowed.

Now why is it so important to the lender that the borrowers borrow???? Ready to break the spell? Take the $1,000 note. How much do you have to pay for one in US dollars at the bank? $10.80 now. How much does it cost to print? 8 cents! How would you like to have a racket that paid you 99% profit on every worthless piece of paper you printed?

Now wiggle down that hole a little further. All that money is just debt money, meaning that if there was no debt, there would be no money. I recommend the online video, MONEY AS DEBT. I’ll attach it.

Now realize that the money scam has made just one earthly family worth a reported 100 trillion dollars, roughly the sum accumulation of all national debts!

Now what was just described? Black Magic!

There you have it, the anatomy of the world domination game.


Dr. V